Monday, April 14, 2008


On one of the last nights of the cruise Sharalyn and I stopped by the "show" and at the end of it, they had all the staff come out so we could give them a round of applause (is that how you spell that because it looks an awful like applesauce...) When the maid service people walked out they were each holding their best made towel animals that they leave on your bed each night after they turn your bed down. They were so proud up there with their elephants, bats, snails, etc...Any ways, Sharalyn and I got to talking that night and I asked her what she would be carrying up on the stage if she had to show off her best talent. After some thought, she said she'd bring a cupcake. (for those of you that know her- you know she makes a killer cupcake!) She asked me what I would bring up and I really had to think about it. I finally said- I'm really organized. She said there was no way I could bring that (organization) onto the stage with me. I sat there stumped. Ummm...I'm really loyal. Nope- can't bring loyalty to the stage either. Darn it! What was I going to bring with me?!? (those ?!?'s were for you Justin) To be perfectly honest- I still haven't come up with what I would bring up on the stage with me. I'm going to throw this out there for all of my blogging fans- what would you bring with you? Apparently it has to be tangible and an actual "thing." Some might even call it a noun. Not a verb. Something you are really good at. So, leave me a comment and let's get to know each other a little better...


redstarmama said...

It's a toss up between a book (I know, not very exciting) and a computer, because I am REALLY good at sitting in front of one, wasting my time and shopping for clothes I will never buy. No, actually, inspiration has just struck. I would bring a gift. I love giving them, and I love choosing the perfect gift for the recipient.

Beardall Family said...

Funny you should bring this up. We had our ward talent show last weekend and I sat there watching thinking the very same thing, ... I have no talents. If it would count, I would bring up my bottle of Tilex & a scrub brush. I'm proud of my cleaning skills and I'm a bit OCD in the cleaning department. Tony says I'm even HD-OCD because that is all I ever seem to do. Or maybe my paintbrush. Not a paintbrush your brother Scott would use, more like a brush you would paint a house with. I'm getting pretty good at it, considering I've painted every wall in my house that I could reach. Except the kitchen, too much taping. Can't wait to see what you come up with! And how come I haven't tasted one of Sharalyn's cupcakes? That is a hard thing to master. Can she get them to not be flat?

Steve and Janelle said...

I would have to say I would bring some perfectly ironed clothes. Sad, but true. I think I am best at ironing.

Walters Family said...

I'd bring some some diapers. I bet im the fastest diaper changer out there!

S.Miles said...

Elisa- I have lots of walls you can come paint any time you want! In all these years you have been around- you have never had "the sharalyn?" (Yes, she names her cupcakes!) They are yummy and perfectly decorated. Simple. And Bethany- with 3 babies around these days- you better be thankful you are so good at changing diapers! That is one talent thats going to be put to good use!

Robbie said...

I couldn't think of a talent I would bring but I do have soemthing family. I would bring all of them on stage with me and then sit back and watch the circus. It would be truly entertaining. Have you ever seen Craig and Kaye interact? Hilarious!

Kaye said...

Can you do something?....I would do my one legged squat. It isn't easy, you extend one leg straight out in front,so you are balancing on one leg, squat all the way down and then come back up. I've been cursed with big German legs, at least they are strong. Or, I would burp my children's names....I tell my kids not every mom can do that. I know you are thinking I am soooo talented!