Wednesday, February 11, 2009

WARNING!! Do NOT scroll down if you have a weak stomach! Under ANY circumstances!!

How many kids get to write "My dad cut his thumb off while he was at work" for their spelling word sentences at school? Kody does!!! He was so excited that he came up with that one all on his own. Always looking for that silver lining right?

On March 18th 2002, Kody's dad, David was in a horrible accident at work and cut his thumb off. OUCH! Here's the proof. Luckily, he had amazing doctors and a lot of prayers were said on his behalf and it was reattached without problems.

*Just a side note- the word thumb has been added to my list of words I hate. It is joined by the words slot, moist, 'lil', hung, and any word that Sharalyn says that has a "p" in it. (think popcorn, purple, appliances, etc...)


Stephanie said...

why did i scroll down, there was even a warning

Lauren said... looks fake! I love the list of hated words...never thought about words I hate...I'll have to do that sometime:)

Melissa said...

I finally look at your blog... and what a sight... davids thumb OFF of his hand. holy crap. that is one nasty picture. i first thought that it was a "fake" picture until i got my face so close and read what happened to David. that is one gross picture and to know that it was for reals makes it even worse. glad to know that it got put back on w/out any problems.

redstarmama said...

All I can say is heads or cage. And really, is there anything else to say?

Shad Hopkins Photography said...

I didn't even have to scroll down. Bam! It was right there in my face. SICK, but very fascinating!

Shad Hopkins Photography said...

I didn't even have to scroll down. Bam! It was right there in my face. SICK, but very fascinating!

Juli said...

i had to close my eyes as i scrolled down just so i could comment! bro. hull was amazed to say the least.